Keke Palmer took to social media to reveal that she is a part of "The Proud Family" reboot and she also introduced her character Maya. (Instagram)
You can always count on Keke Palmer to bring up interesting topics that can start a debate. The latest topic of discussion is her definition of being single, as well as why she would prefer a true friendship, opposed to the girlfriend title.
Keke first sparked the topic of discussion when she shared a TikTok video where she explained that she does not believe in the girlfriend/ boyfriend title and that she is single until she is married.
A few days later she elaborated on her view on the topic and said, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but being single doesn’t mean you’re sleeping with every1. It means you’re not committing yourself to any1 for less than what you want. The person that wants you all to themselves will rise to the occasion of having that PRIZE.”
She then further discussed her point in her caption by explaining the importance of building a true friendship.
“I feel like you can get to know someone really well by just being their friend,” said Keke. “There is no expectations and you can really know a person without them putting on a fake face. I used to think having a gf or bf title meant everything, but all it would do is make me feel restricted and force performative actions based off of the title.”
She continued to mention that a life partner first starts with a true friendship, something that she learned from her parents’ marriage, and if someone could offer her a true friendship, then that is something she could work with.
What are your thoughts on Keke’s statements?
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94