Categories: Celebs

Katy Perry Donates $10,000 To Planned Parenthood

Ever since Donald Trump has won the presidential election, many people have been worried about the many changes that can occur under his presidency.

One thing that came into question was Planned Parenthood as Trump promised to defund the organization during his campaign.

According to the Huffington Post, singer Katy Perry, a well-known supporter of Hillary Clinton, decided to make matters into her own hands and donate $10,000 to the organization.

In a lengthy Instagram post she shared her personal connection to Planned Parenthood and said, “It’s time to turn words into action! There are so many steps to take, but my first vow is to support organizations that may have their funding support taken from them in the future by the government. I am making a public donation to Planned Parenthood for the teenage me who made several visits to first a clinic in Santa Barbara and then Los Angeles, CA to educate myself on my sexual health, a subject I had little to no information on because of my sheltered upbringing. I had no idea how things worked down there, and had no idea how to make a plan for them. Planned Parenthood educated me on my body and my reproductive health, so that I could focus on my dreams and using my voice until I knew the timing was right for me to make a plan to have a family. Since then, I have been able to focus wholeheartedly on bringing messages of strength and becoming a voice for others. Without this education, I may have had a different life path.”


Check out her entire message below:



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