Categories: Celebs

Kanye West To Meet With Donald Trump To Discuss Prison Reform, Violence In Chicago, And More

Roommates, y’all already know that Kanye West has been under much scrutiny lately — especially following his fashion decision to rock a #MakeAmericaGreatAgain cap not once, not twice, but at least three times. He has defended his stance against the saying and Donnie multiple times. In one interview, Kanye, who now prefers to go by ‘Ye, explained that African-Americans are in a position to own the narrative of the slogan Make America Great Again. Apparently, he is writing his own narrative and has hopes the rest of the community will follow suit. He also said. He supports whichever president has been elected to serve the United States of America.

Now, according to the White House Secretary, Sarah Sanders, he will be meeting with Donald Trump and Jared Kushner this Thursday (Oct. 11) at The White House for lunch and to discuss some important matters.

“Kanye West is coming to the White House to have lunch with President Trump and he will also meet with Jared Kushner,” she said. “The topics of discussions will include manufacturing resurgence in America, prison reform, how to prevent gang violence, and what can be done to reduce violence in Chicago.”

‘Ye has recently returned to his hometown of Chicago, where he says he will be staying. Although most are not in favor of his relationship with Donald Trump, some are hopeful for results for said discussion points,

Kim Kardashian West has met with Donald Trump at least two times in the past and has had favorable results so let’s hope those results keep that same energy following Kanye’s meeting at the White House this Thursday.

What are your thoughts, feelings, and or predictions on this scheduled meeting, Roommates?!

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TSR STAFF: Chantel Kelli! @_popchanny on Instagram!