Kanye West (Photo by Brandon Magnus/Getty Images)
Now we all know the holiday season is about giving thanks and Kanye West did exactly that while reflecting on some pivotal moments that have led to the current state of his life. Kanye took to social media to share his lengthy Thanksgiving prayer where he talked about his marriage, his successes and failures, his involvement with politics, and more.
Ye started off his prayer by saying, “On this Thanksgiving, I’m so thankful for family. I’m so thankful for family, my blood family, my fans, and our haters. We love you too. On Thanksgiving on Christmas morning, not the night before or the day, just the morning. We’re thankful for our current civilization of 8 billion people, our ancestors, and our children.”
While speaking about his son Saint, he started to speak more about his family and said, “All I think about every day is how I get my family back together, and how I heal the pain that I caused. I take accountability for my actions–new word alert…misactions.”
While naming himself as the thing that his successes and failures have in common, he started to name a list of things that impacted not only him but those around him.
Kanye named alcohol, his episodes, ego, temper, religion, politics, and finances as the talking points in his prayer.
He ended off his prayer by saying, “We always judge and tell other people what they should do, but we can only take accountability for ourselves and our children.”
Kanye also shared a photo of him and Kim Kardashian as he continued to express his hopes that they would get back together.
As we previously reported, Kanye gave a speech about his family during a turkey giveaway the day before Thanksgiving and said, “I’m trying to express this in the most sane way possible, the most calm way possible, but I need to be back at home. If the enemy can separate Kimye, there’s going to be millions of families that feel like that separation is OK.”
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94