On Saturday, Kanye West was spotted walking into Cody Regional Health in Cody, WY.
According to TMZ, he only stayed inside for about 10 minutes and returned to his ranch. While at his ranch an ambulance was seen arriving. However, according to the site, he did not leave in the ambulance, and he is was spotted on his ranch riding his motorcycle. During that time it was unclear why he arrived at the hospital, or why the ambulance showed up to his ranch.
TMZ reports that it was later revealed that a source connected to Kanye said that he made a visit to the hospital for anxiety. However, there were a lot of people inside and he became uncomfortable and left.
His team arranged for the ambulance to come to his ranch. While there, EMT’s checked his vitals and determined that he was not in danger.

TMZ also reports that he invited a few paparazzi inside of his home, and came out for a few minutes so that he could “control the narrative,” and then they left.
On Saturday, Kanye issued a public apology to his wife Kim Kardashian for all of the hurtful things he had said on social media. Earlier in the week, Kim broke her silence following Kanye’s recent Twitter rants and spoke about his bio polar disorder being triggered at the moment.
Roommates continue to keep Kanye lifted in prayer during this time.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94