
Kamala Harris Meets With Jacob Blake’s Family In Kenosha, Wisconsin

#Roommates, following Democratic presidential candidate (and her running mate) Joe Biden’s recent visit, Kamala Harris has also met with the family of Jacob Blake. Taking place in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Kamala Harris’s meeting also included Jacob Blake’s legal team.

@CNN reports, as Jacob Blake continues to recover from the seven gunshot wounds that have left him paralyzed at the hands of local police officers, he and his family have garnered nationwide support—and that now includes vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris. “I mean, they’re an incredible family. And what they’ve endured, and they just do it with such dignity and grace. And you know, they’re carrying the weight of a lot of voices on their shoulders,” Harris told reporters during a tour of an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers training facility in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

She elaborated and stated that her message to Jacob Blake’s family was about expressing concern for their “well-being and of course for their brother and son’s well-being. Let them know that they have support.” During the hour-long meeting, Blake also joined in via phone from his hospital bed.

Benjamin Crump, the family’s lawyer, said Harris had spoken with each family member about how “they were handling the trauma and urged them to take care of their physical and mental health.”

“In a moving moment, Jacob Jr. told Sen. Harris that he was proud of her, and the senator told Jacob she was also proud of him and how he is working through his pain,” Crump said.

Additionally, she also encouraged the family to continue using “their voices even through their pain to help America make progress to end systemic racism,” Crump later stated.



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Danielle Jennings