Jurors In Amber Guyger Case Explain Her 10 Year Sentence: “I Think Bo Would Want To Forgive Her”

Roommates, the sentencing of Amber Guyger has sparked outrage amongst many, particularly bringing attention to the role that jurors played in the case. Prosecutors were reportedly looking to sentence Amber to anywhere from 5 to 28 years in prison, and somehow, they decided on 10.

In an exclusive sit down with ABC News, two jurors speak out about how they came to this controversial conclusion despite the severity of the case. As we previously reported, it was indeed the jury who came up with the sentence, and not the judge.

Forgiveness has been a common theme portrayed by the family of Botham Jean, which is apparently what touched the hearts of jurors to lower Amber’s potential sentence.

“I told everyone, I’m really having a hard time with this because we all agree it was a mistake,” one juror says. “I don’t think Bo would want to take harsh vengeance, I think he would want to forgive her.”

The judge in the case convicted Amber of murder after she fatally shot Botham Jean in his own apartment a little more than a year ago. She claims she mistook his apartment for hers and thought he was a burglar. The jury believed that her use of deadly force was not justified.

Still, the jury says they were touched by the words of Bo’s family and friends, and decided Amber should not have to send the rest of her life in prison. She was looking at a maximum of life in prison.

“I didn’t feel like I had any right to speak for him, and he wasn’t there to speak for himself,” he continues. “But listening to the way people talked about him, I feel like he would forgive her.”

Similarly, Bo’s family felt the need to forgive Amber as well. After he sentencing, the family embraced Amber with open arms, sending her messages of forgiveness, and even encouraging her to give her life to Christ.

