Categories: CelebsNews

Joe McKnight’s Shooter Released From Custody With No Charges Filed Against Him

Yesterday we broke the story that former NFL running back Joe McKnight was was shot and killed during a road rage accident in New Orleans.

His shooter, who has been identified as Ronald Gasser, was released from custody with no charges that were filed against him TMZ reports.

The shooter was apparently released “sometime overnight” after officials believed they had no reason to hold him much longer.

According to the Jefferson Parish Sherrif’s Department, Ronald Gasser “definitely” shot Joe, however, they have “questions about the circumstances surrounding what led up to it.”

I know what you’re thinking–if they know he’s “definitely” the shooter, why didn’t they charge him with anything at all?

Welp, the investigation is reportedly still open, and it could be left to the grand jury or the district attorney to decide whether or not charges should be filed against the shooter.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Joe’s loved ones

TSR STAFF : Thembi So. @ThembiTV_ on Instagram & Twitter
Via: TMZ
