Married to Medicine’s, Jill Connors must have missed out on her crazy pills the other day because word on the street is she attacked her doctor husband, John Connors, after he found out that she may have been possibly cheating on him!
According to TMZ, John went snooping through Jill’s phone and found text messages from another man, but when he confronted her about it, let’s just say things went 0-1000 real quick!
John says Jill hit him in the face with a spoon and then started unloading blows that ended up tearing his shirt and scratching up his chest. Jill (who is 5’2 and 103lbs) then took the fight from crazy to straight up psycho as it is reported that she took a kitchen knife and started cutting herself in the arm and chest, screaming, “He’s cutting me!” Not only was it a horrific show for her husband, her kids were also watching!
Police say that Jill did confess to the attack, citing, “I hit him, I started it, I know”…while her kids were watching and according to police John did say that if she was caught cheating he would be taking the kids! This is getting messier and messier by the minute!
John’s request of a restraining order has gone through, so he has the money, the house, the cars and now temporary custody of their children. Not only is she allegedly left penniless, Jill was also arrested for domestic violence and child cruelty. Oh yeah let’s not forget she doesn’t have a man now either because a divorce has definitely been filed but ironically it was Jill who asked for it! … Talk about a fall from grace! Anyways she is asking for their house in Atlanta and of course her babies!
Lord if this ain’t a mess we don’t know what is! Let’s chat below!

TSR Intern: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!
Damn Jill!!…what a way to fuck it up!
she been hanging around black women 2 long
Black women don’t cut themselves and do this shit. She’s been hanging around her kind. That’s not what we do. Don’t try to throw that trash on us.