Research chemist/author Lionel Dahmer, father of confessed serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, standing outside of Columbia Correctional Institute where his son is imprisoned. (Photo by Steve Kagan/Getty Images)
Deranged fans of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer have been targeting his elderly father Lionel following the release of the Netflix series “Dahmer- Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story,” with one woman even pelting his Ohio home her underwear.
Jeb, Lionel Dahmer’s caretaker, told The Sun that the 86-year-old as a “nervous wreck” after an unidentified woman ran her twenties allegedly threw her used on his driveway.
“I love you Lionel!” the caretaker, 34, said the woman yelled as she took off her panties and threw them into his yard.
Another incident saw a man attempting to accost Lionel in a “hostile and aggressive” manner, prompting the caretaker carry a gun for protection and to place no trespassing signs around the property.
Lionel’s son, Jeffrey Dahmer, murdered 17 young men in Wisconsin and Ohio between 1978 and 1991. He was convicted in 1992 and eventually murdered by another inmate two years later at the age of 34.
Lionel, who now lives with his second wife, Shari, in Seville, Ohio, divorced Jeffrey Dahmer’s mother Joyce back in 1978, reportedly after she had an affair.
Jeb attributed the hit new Netflix series on the serial killer for the renewed interest in the Dahmer family, with Lionel being played by actor Richard Jenkins.
“This new Dahmer show blew up really quick. Anything Dahmer related blows up,” Jeb told The Sun. “It seems like every time a movie or series comes out, that’s when a lot of the crazy starts happening with the fan boys and the fan girls.”
Jeb said of the underwear incident: “We even had a lady stop at the end of the driveway, take off her panties and throw them in the yard.”
“I had to go out there with a pair of tongs to pick up this woman’s granny panties,” the caretaker went on to say. “The girl looked like she was in her early twenties and was shouting ‘I love you Lionel.”’
The caretaker added that “it’s people like that that we’re trying not to have here, that’s why I put up no trespassing and private property signs. Lionel’s 86 and here’s this 20-year-old lady throwing her underwear at him. It’s just like, stop.”
Jeb also discussed the incident where Lionel was accused by a guy acting “erratic and violent,” saying he wanted to see Lionel.”
“About two weeks ago we had a guy pull up in a nice-looking car right in the middle of the driveway, about 20 or 30 yards from the front door,” Jeb told The Sun. “I came out and he was acting erratic and violent, saying he wanted to see Lionel. He was a big guy and was acting very hostile.”
The unidentified man eventually sped away from the scene in his car while “swearing,” the outlet reports.
The caretaker noted that all of the stress put upon Lionel from the Netflix show has him worried about the elderly man’s health.
In another interview with The Sun, Jeb said that Lionel is considering filing a lawsuit against the streaming platform, claiming he was never consulted about the series.
“From my understanding and from everything that I’ve seen and witnessed personally, Lionel was not contacted about either of these shows on Netflix.”
Jeb added: “I’ve personally talked to a few lawyers and we’ve talked to his publisher about it too due to all the chaos that is going on and the stories we’ve seen. Lionel and his power of attorney are gathering information and looking at a possible lawsuit against the production team or possibly Netflix.”