
Jeff Bezos Announces He Is Pledging $10 Billion To Climate Change: “Earth Is The One Thing We All Have In Common–Let’s Protect It Together”

Roommates, Jeff Bezos is using his fortune to help on a large scale, as he has just announced he is pledging $10 billion to what he calls “the biggest threat to our planet”–climate change!

Climate change has become a great concern, as we can see just from this winter alone! We’ve had snow in Georgia, and 60 degree days in New York in the past couple of weeks, and Jeff says he is committed to helping the problem. The funds will go toward the creation of the Bezos Earth Fund.

“Climate change is the biggest threat to our planet. I want to work alongside others both to amplify known ways and to explore new ways of fighting the devastating impact of climate change on this planet we all share,” he writes in an Instagram post.

Despite Bezos’ efforts, many Amazon employees have been critical of Amazon’s impact on the environment, and even imply the company contributes to the climate crisis as well.

“We applaud Jeff Bezos’ philanthropy, but one hand cannot give what the other is taking away,” Amazon Employees For Climate Justice said in a statement.

Back April, thousands of Amazon workers signed a letter to Bezos and Amazon’s board of directors , tasing them to end contracts with our and gas companies, and stop making donations to climate change-denying lawmakers and setting measurable goals.

It looks like Jeff has had a change of heart on where to allocate his dollars!
