As the world reacts to the news of Kyle Rittenhouse being acquitted on all charges, everyone is sharing their opinion, including Jacob Blake’s uncle. Justin Blake spoke out about following his verdict outside of the courtroom, stating that he wasn’t surprised. Justin detailed to reporters claiming that Kenosha, WI, has a history of being very racist and how it’s been shown through and through, adding Judge Bruce Schroeder’s actions that were displayed.
In addition, Justin said, “I don’t know how they came to the final conclusion that he’s innocent, but that’s why African Americans say the whole damn system is guilty. This must end. “Justin had a lot to get off his chest saying, “How many cases do you need to see of Caucasian cops or other people walking out the door after murdering people that are either African American or supporting African Americans.”
As we previously reported, Jacob was paralyzed after being shot seven times in his back last year, by Kenosha Police officer Rusten Sheskey. In October, it was announced that Rusten wasn’t found guilty of any civil charges for shooting and paralyzing Jacob. Following the decision, the U.S. Department of Justice stated, “After a careful and thorough review, a team of experienced federal prosecutors determined that insufficient evidence exists to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer willfully violated the federal criminal, civil rights statutes. Accordingly, the review of this incident has been closed without a federal prosecution.”
Jacob tried to receive monetary compensation for his life-changing injury by suing; however, his lawsuit was rejected in June. According to the Kenosha News, Jacob sought damages for medical expenses, lost wages, and “pain and suffering and disfigurement” as filed by Chicago-based attorneys on March 11th with the office of the city’s clerk-treasurer. His other federal lawsuit against Rusten continues. Roomies, we’ll keep you posted on the ongoing case.
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