Categories: Celebs

Is Wendy Williams Firing Her Husband As Her Manager And Executive Producer Of Her Show?

If you’re a fan of the Wendy Williams show, then you know that her husband, Kevin Hunter, is her manager, as well as an executive producer for the show. She’s said before that she likes having him around because he does a great job at taking care of things, but it looks like things may have taken a turn for the couple both at home, and at work.

Love B. Scott is alleging that Wendy Show executives want Kevin fired from the show, and that Wendy is on board with it… Oop!

“Show execs want her husband/manager fired from the show…Wendy is in FULL support of his exit amid their major marital problems. Things have gotten so bad that she is seriously considering filing for divorce.” The source said.

Kevin is allegedly keeping tabs on Wendy too! Apparently he’s becoming controlling, and even had Wendy’s phone number changed to make her less accessible to her staff, and get this Roommates; the source said he hired a new driver for her who reports to him.. Chile

Wendy doesn’t speak much on her relationship, but from what she’s shared, they seem like a pretty decent and well functioning couple and family.

In addition to that, judging by the advice she gives her viewers during her ‘Ask Wendy’ segment, it seems as though she would know how to handle a situation like this if the allegations turn out to be true.

We’re wishing Wendy and Kevin the best, and certainly hope for their continued love and success!

TSR STAFF: Thembi M. @ThembiTV_ on Instagram & Twitter
