
Bernie Sanders Declares Victory In Iowa But DNC Chair Calls To Recanvass Caucus Vote

TSR Politics: As far as the upcoming presidential election goes, all the spotlight has been on Iowa this week where the Iowa Caucus was held to vote on Donald Trump’s challenger later this year. This is the first contest of its kind before other states start holding their primary elections.

The race was real tight between Senator Bernie Sanders and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg up until this morning when Bernie declared victory. There was a lot of controversy surrounding the votes and allegations of cheating, especially after Mayor Pete claimed victory earlier this week.

But this morning, Bernie claimed his victory and said the following: “We won in Iowa because of the unprecedented grassroots efforts of our campaign,” Bernie tweeted. “Thousands of volunteers knocked on hundreds of thousands of doors in the cold and snow. I want to thank each and every volunteer who participated in that effort.”

Well, now the leader of the Democratic National Committee is calling for an immediate recanvass of the Iowa caucuses, according to Politico. The move will surely delay the process and will continue to hurt Iowa’s reputation.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez‘s announcement came shortly before Bernie claimed victory Thursday in a race that officially remains too close to call.

“Enough is enough,” Perez tweeted. “In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass.”

As of now, it appears the latest results still show Bernie and Mayor Pete neck and neck. Perhaps the recanvass will let the people know who won, once and for all.

Roommates, we plan to keep you posted on the results of Iowa’s caucuses.

TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh

Christina Calloway