#SilentShowtime“Kill em with silence” . . .
Its no showtime without the band! Howard University’s marching band is fed up and no longer “playing” if Howard isn’t “paying.” HU’s legendary Showtime marching band collectively wore all black and staged a #SilentShowtime as they protested for questions that need answers.
“Not one single member has received any scholarship fund…and when reaching out to the administration, we have yet to receive any viable information on this status” – HU student Terrell Tiendrebeogo
Apparently, if band members don’t receive their funds, they are no longer willing to play at sporting events.
“Every year, the band is suppose to receive funding for both our organization’s budget and student scholarships, as outlined by the contacts we signed long before the semester began,” Terrell continued.
Well Roommates,we don’t blame em. Just a few months back, HU Alumni complained about the state of the university as a whole and its unlivable dorm conditions! #TakeBackHU
One of the bandmembers went to instagram stating, “The Howard University S.H.O.W.T.I.M.E Marching Band is taking a stand. We are seeking answers and a plan of action regarding the bands budget and disbursement of student scholarships. Until we get answers, we will not support Howard University with our musicianship.”
Roommates,what would you do??!
TSR Intern: Kamille Jemison @KamilleJemison