
Health Officials Are Monitoring At Least Five Cases Of The Deadly Coronavirus In The United States

Roommates, United States residents are being tested for the new coronavirus, which has reportedly caused thousands of people to become sick, and killed dozens! The most recent case is being looked at in Maryland. The virus broken out in China, and remains centered there, but health officials are concerned it will begin spreading to the United States.

According to CNN, 106 people are dead and more than 4,500 cases of the coronavirus have been reported in China, and the numbers just continue to increase. There are also reportedly at least five cases in the United States.

The coronavirus is a combination of large families of viruses that usually infect animals, but can sometimes evolve and spread to humans. Symptoms for people with coronavirus tend to include fever, coughing and shortness of breath, which can evolve into pneumonia.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said the coronavirus epidemic is a “demon” that will not be allowed to remain in the country. Xi met with World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom in Beijing on Tuesday and had this to say:

“The Chinese people are engaging in a serious battle against the outbreak of the new coronavirus pneumonia. People’s lives and health are always the first priority for the Chinese government, and the prevention and control of the epidemic is the most important task at present, so I have been directing and deploying the works myself,” Xi said.

“I believe as long as we can strengthen our confidence, stand together, scientifically prevent and control the epidemic, and adopt precise measures, we will definitely defeat this epidemic.”

