Roommates, Harvey Weinstein has found himself in a new home on Rikers Island, after having to undergo hear surgery this week.
According to Page Six, Harvey was placed in protective custody in Rikers’ North Infirmary Command after being discharges from Bellevue Hospital on Wednesday night. A source familiar with the procedure said he was in surgery for about four hours, and got a stent put into his heart.
As we previously reported, Harvey was found guilty on two charges of criminal sexual assault and rape in the third degree. After the verdict, he was taken into custody without bail and shortly after, Weinstein was hospitalized for chest pains and heart palpitations.
While Harvey was being transported to Rikers Island last week, he was rerouted to New York’s Bellevue Hospital for chest pains, heart palpitations, and high blood pressure. He was admitted on Monday night, and has successfully emerged from surgery.
Harvey will be officially sentenced on March 11th and faces up to 25 years for his sexual assault conviction, and 18 months to 4 yeas for his third-degree rape conviction. He is also awaiting trial in Los Angeles, where is he issuing accused of raping an Italian model and actress in a Beverly Hills hotel, and groping another model while he masturbated in the bathroom.
As of now, about 100 women, including prominent actresses like Uma Thurman and Gwyneth Paltrow, have accused Weinstein of sexual assault, sexual misconduct, or sexual harassment. And while some of the most heinous allegations can’t be prosecuted due to the statues of limitation, it looks like he’ll be paying for what he did to those women.
What are your thoughts, Roomies? Let us know in the comments, and stay with us for updates on his case and sentencing!