Categories: Celebs

Halle Berry’s Ex Husband David Justice Speaks Out, Claims She Ruins Her Exes


 Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez recently announced that they would be getting a divorce. In the wake of this news, Halle’s 1st husband, David Justice, has come forward claiming that he never laid a hand on his ex-wife. He also said that after they split she made it her mission to tarnish his character.


The ex-MLB took to twitter to voice his frustration saying he’s been falsely misidentified as the “famous former boyfriend” who has hit her in the past.


Justice warns Martinez that Halle’s “Hollywood Team” will do their best to ruin him like they did to the rest of her exes.


Justice began by saying “[Halle] was mad at me leaving the relationship so she and her Hollywood Team  just tried to destroy my character. It had to be my fault, right?’


“Yup. Me, Eric, Gabriel and Olivier were all her ‘Knight in Shinning Armor,’ until it ends… Then we all become the worst guys in history.”


“Only the guys in the relationship with Halle know the real deal. There will be another, of course. He’ll be called ‘The Best’ until it ends.”


“Just wait, Oliver.. It’s coming! She insinuated that her daughter wasn’t safe around Gabriel.. look it up and see the reason! Just wrong. Smh.”


“It just makes me mad to still see the same lie being perpetuated about the source of her abuse being me. Never happened! #formerboyfriend.” 

Halle’s Ex Eric Benet seemed to agree with Justice as he sent out this tweet this morning:


Halle and Justice were married from 1992 to 1997.

TSR Intern: Kyle Simpson: @Kyle.Simpson94




Chinwe U.

Chinny’s background in the world of marketing & brand management in some of the world’s leading global companies, is just what The Shade Room needs. Her practical knowledge of lifestyle and entertainment and dabble in the fashion industry doesn’t hurt either. When you mix her well rounded knowledge of what is going on in today’s social sphere you’ve got the perfect tools for a little Shade.