Roommates, have any of you guys *almost got caught cheating but you managed to hide out under the bed or in a closet? Well, @mileskwhitmore wasn’t helping one of his female friends to cheat, but he awkwardly got #TrappedInTheCloset when her man came home!
Miles literally live-tweeted the whole thing and it is absolutely hilarious! Check out the tweets below:
Greetings from inside the closet:
Where did he get a CapriSun from?!?!
The coast is clear…
Not the Popeye’s!
His friend-girl left him $5 for food….under a lamp….!!
Luckily that call wasn’t for him.
He even hit a celebratory dab:
Roommates, have any of y’all ever been #TrappedInTheCloset? Did you get caught? Tell us your stories!!
TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!