
Governor Andrew Cuomo To Receive The International Emmy Founders Award For His Daily COVID-19 Briefings

We all know that this year has been very hard and unpredictable for many of us, especially when it came to the spread of COVID-19. As many of us experienced being on lockdown across the world, the political leaders in different cities were providing updates to residents as everyone did their part to help flatten the curve.

One person who will be awarded for his daily press briefings on COVID-19 is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

According to CBS News, on Friday, the International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced that Cuomo will receive the International Emmy Founders Award for his daily televised briefings on the pandemic.

Bruce Paisner, president, and CEO of the International Academy said, “The governor’s 111 daily briefings worked so well because he effectively created television shows, with characters, plot lines, and stories of success and failure. People around the world tuned in to find out what was going on, and New York tough became a symbol of the determination to fight back.”

Cuomo ended his briefings on ended on June 19th, and according to the Academy, he drew in a total amount of 59 million viewers.

The International Emmy Founders Award is awarded to those that have “crossed cultural boundaries to touch our common humanity.”

Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg are among the names of past recipients.

Earlier this month, Cuomo issued a new curfew for New York as cases are starting to see another surge. At one point during the pandemic, New York was known as one of the epicenters, but have worked towards fewer hospitializations.


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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside