Categories: Celebs

Girl Who Plays The Voice Of Dora The Explorer Suspended For Vaping!!


15 year old Fatima Ptacek, who plays the voice of Dora the Explorer, was caught vaping in her school’s bathroom with two other girls. She told her parents that she just wanted to look “cool” since “she is older than [the other girls] and is a celebrity.” Thankfully, they were just vaping caramel flavored water, but one of the girls, identified as M.S. was forced to leave the school!

NY Daily News reports, “Three girls were vaping on caramel flavored water and were ratted out by a senior. However, only [one of the girls] was forced to withdraw from the school, where tuition tops $40,000 a year. Fatima Ptacek, 15, the voice behind Dora, got a three day suspension, and the third girl was not disciplined at all.”

M.S.’ family is suing Avenues The World School, citing that the school’s administrators were “arbitrary and capricious and violated their own policies by forcing their daughter to withdraw.”

Lord, Dora better get her life! Let’s chat, Roommates!

TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!