Rapper, Future will soon be distributing a line of hats, but while you wait, let TSR show you how to get the look without having to break your pockets!
Future gives props to the legendary, Jimi Hendrix, as one of his idols and even mentioned to Elle Magazine back when he was dating Ciara that he believes Jimi is a unique artists who changed the game for blacks in rock and roll. “For just being a black artist in rock n’ roll and be able to step outside and create, and make great music, Future told Elle. “And just be different. Just a different breed.”
If you’ve payed close attention to the two artists, one of Jimi’s signature looks was him wearing a wide brim hat designed with large circular rings bordered around it. Future rocks similar designs by wearing wide brim hats as a way to homage.
There are different styles of hats when it comes to pulling off any wide-brim look: There’s fedoras, cowboy and panama hats.
Fedora’s have been around since the 1800’s and still are one of the most fashionable essential pieces for any person with style. They’re a bit smaller than cowboy and panama hats, which makes them more practical. Italian gangsters, Indiana Jones and Michael Jackson are prominent in addressing the fedora look.
Cowboy hats are wide brim hats containing a huge crown in the middle designed to protect against weather. This hat surfaced from Mexican culture to the United States as the ideal American cowboy look.
Lastly, Panama hats are similar to cowboy hats except they are hand-made with either straw materials or with wool. These hats also contain a wide brim and huge dome in the middle, but are light-weight, making it easier to pair with any soft thin clothing of choice.
The Atlanta rapper is making it known that in the trap world of music (down south to be specific) every and anybody with style and grace has the ability to pull off a hat that suits their image. But the key is to pull it off exceptionally well, which can sometimes be difficult for some because not everyone is born with swag. The only thing you need to know when pulling off any type of hat and more importantly any wide brim hat is to have confidence! That’s it! Once you’ve found a hat that perfectly fits your head shape and hair style you have completed two steps to your new style image. Most hats look great when you have your hair down or in a low ponytail. Whether your hat is big or small like fedora’s, start fiddling with the hat to see how it can be worn multiple time at a different angle. Future seems to like wearing his hats directly on top his head whether his hair is up or down and it works for him!
Okay, so we all know Future is Future Hendrix for a reason. He can afford quality styled fedoras, cowboy and panama hats, but for most of our TSR roommates want to look like a million bucks without actually having to spend that kind of money… Ugh! But don’t fear, because hats like Future’s are found not only in high label designer stores, but also down the street at your local mall, where there’s stores like Forever 21, Zara, H&M and many more!
Here is a list of hats available at fast fashion outlets that carry those wide-brim styles you’ve been lurking for, only it is at an affordable price. But don’t worry, they still have that quality appeal like Future’s.
1. Urban Outfitters: “Rosin Wide Brim Felt Fedora” (comes in black, taupe and olive green)

TSR Intern: Charise W.
Instagram: @planet_reese