Categories: Celebs

Get Ready For The Olympics: Transgenders Have A Chance To Participate!

Looks like the Olympics are also making moves to become a little bit more diverse as its been reported that transgenders may have better chances to participate soon.

According to the New York Post, the International Olympics Committee have decided to allow transgenders to participate in the games without having to undergo gender reassignment surgery. Back in 2004 transgenders were allow to participate but only if they received the surgery legally and anatomically.

The committee met back in November for the “Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism” to make the amendment.

These rules are very much like the NCAA’s rule book: if you’re a man declaring yourself as a woman, you must state that you are and that your testosterone level has been below 10nmol/L for about 12 months. The same goes for a woman transitioning to a man.  The new policy is aimed to protect women who naturally produce high levels of testosterone.

The Olympics will take place in Rio de Jainero in August. 

TSR Intern: Charise W.

Instagram: @planet_reese