
Family Receives Outpouring Of Support After Viral Video Shows Woman Blocking Them From Visiting Their Relative In A Manhattan Building

The man who filmed this video of a woman blocking his family’s entry into the Manhattan building where he said his aunt lives tell us he and his children have received an outpouring of support since the video went viral.

In the video, Alfredo Sandoval and his two children are attempting to enter a Manhattan building and a woman who lives there becomes enraged when he refuses to tell her the name of his aunt in the building. The woman, given the name “Manhattan Martha,” calls the police on Sandoval and his family and even claims that he is likely a thief.

After Sandoval shared the video for the world to see, he says though he may not have received an apology from the woman, several corporations have reached out to right the wrongs for his children.

“This was not easy for my kids,” Sandoval said. Watch the videos and let us know your thoughts.

Christina Calloway