TSR Entertainment

Facebooker Explains ‘Power’ Characters’ Zodiac Signs

Now that the weather is cooling down and you’re likely indoors, why don’t you settle in for an entertainingly good read (trust me, it’s worth it). One Facebook user really had a lot of time on her hands and decided to assign each of the “Power” characters Zodiac signs and even broke down why she gave them the ones she did.

And let me just say, I’m low-key impressed with the analysis she brought to the table. I mean sis got really into detail for her cases and I am not mad but some people might be about the signs she gave these characters.

Can you see Tasha as a Sagittarius or Dre as a Leo? SWIPE to see what she gave everyone else and let us know if you think her breakdown of these characters and their predicted zodiac signs are on point or if sis is way off.

TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh



Christina Calloway