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Eric Garner’s Family Receives $5.9 Million In Wrongful Death Settlement And The NYPD Union Is Pissed!!

Almost a year after Eric Garner was killed by a chokehold delivered by the hands of an NYC police officer, the Garner family has been awarded the largest wrongful death payout against a New York City police officer. 

Garner’s estate won its claim they filed against the city in October 2014 and was awarded $5.9 million in damages.

NYC Comptroller Scott Stinger said this in light of the decision, “Following a judicious review of the claim and facts of this case, my office was able to reach a settlement with the estate of Eric Garner that is in the best interests of all parties,” said New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer, whose office is charged with settling claims against the city.

He adds that even though the death of Eric Garner “…forced us to examine the state of race relations, and the relationship between our police force and the people they serve,” the settlement isn’t the city taking responsibility for the incident. 

However, the dollar amount, which has surpassed high profiled death payouts like the $3 million for the family of Amadou Diallo and the $3.9 million for the family of Ramarley Graham, has been the subject of controversy and criticism by the NYPD Union.

According to the NY Post, the Benevolent Association was pretty pissed about the multi million dollar settlement calling it “obscene” and “shameful.”

Sergeants Benevolent Association President, Ed Mullins, is especially mad about the settlement saying, “Mr. Garner’s family should not be rewarded simply because he repeatedly chose to break the law and resist arrest.”

He says a lower amount should have been granted from a non political or emotional standpoint. 

“In my view, the city has chosen to abandon its fiscal responsibility to all of its citizens and genuflect to the select few who curry favor with the city government,” Mullins told The Post.

Eric Garner died on July 17 after officers ignored his cries saying, ” I can’t breathe.” Video surfaced of the infamous chokehold that killed Garner but even after it went viral no officer was indicted on any charges.

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Sources Sited: NY Post

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