Eight Confirmed Dead In Crowd Surge At Astroworld Festival (Video)
A crowd of 50,000 people attended #TravisScott’s third-annual Astroworld Festival at NRG park where mass chaos erupted, which left “at least” eight people dead and several others injured during a crowd surge.
According to authorities, at around 9:15p.m., the crowd started moving towards the front of the stage. Once people moved closer, multiple individuals started passing out because they couldn’t breathe.
“The crowd began to compress toward the front of the stage, and people began to panic,” Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña stated.
At least two dozen people were taken to Houston hospitals, and 11 were reported as “CPR in progress,” when they were transported, @khou11 reports.
Among those who were injured, a 10-year-old was also in that number, according to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo.
“Our hearts are broken,” she said.
Earlier that day, a crowds rushed the VIP gate. A fenced was knocked over and people were trampled over as well. No serious injuries were reported after the incident. Officers have not stated if what happened earlier at the concert is related to the fatalities.
The Astroworld Festival has been canceled for the rest of the weekend and is currently under investigation.
#Roomies, please keep the families of those impacted in your prayers. We’ll keep you updated.