Categories: Celebs

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Is Seriously Considering Running For President

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been winning all year! To start off, Forbes recently named him the highest paid actor in the world, and now People Magazine has crowned him 2016’s Sexiest Man Alive.

All the coins and sexiness aside, The Rock is actually considering running for president. Lawd.

Is Donald Trump’s win, and Kanye West’s quest to run in 2020 making it the new normal for celebs to seriously consider running for president?

“I used to say it jokingly but every time I was asked, it was with a real genuine interest. And it was very earnest,” Dwayne said to PEOPLE.

“And so I started to really think. Could I make a difference? Could I surround myself with really brilliant people to help me make decisions? Do I care about this country? And when the answers continued to come up yes, then I thought, there’s a good chance. Yeah, one day. Then we’ll do another interview like this.” He continued.

What do you think Roommates? The former WWE champ for president or nah? Let’s chat!

TSR STAFF: Thembi So. @ThembiTV_ on Instagram & Twitter

