Categories: Celebs

Disney World Employee Fired After Tweeting A Sign That Addressed Alligators

This summer, we were all horrified by a story of a toddler being dragged into the Seven Seas Lagoon in Orlando and now it appears that this particular location has urged it’s staff to keep quiet on the topic. Shannon Sullivan, who works in one of the Magic Kingdom restaurants, told the Orlando Sentinel that she felt “disheartened” when she saw the memo.

Offended by the message, Sullivan tweeted the memo which read: “If a guest asks if we have gators in the water around Tom Sawyer’s island (or any other bodies of water), the correct and appropriate response is, ‘Not that we know of, but if we see one, we will call Pest Management to have it removed.’ ” Now, soon after doing so, the young lady was fired and subsequently escorted from the premises, however, Sullivan was glad to go. “At this point it became my morals and my integrity and what I believe in,” she told the Sentinel. “I thought if I lose my job because of that, it’s worth it to me.”

It turns out that the sign was not company sanctioned, so Magic Kingdom Vice President Dan Cockerell personally offered Sullivan her job back! Did she take it, though? *sips tea*


TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!

Jade Whiteside