
Director Of The Centers For Disease Control Now Says Wearing A Mask May Be More Effective Than A Vaccine To Stop The Spread Of COVID-19

#Roommates, as the health industry continues to fast-track a vaccine against COVID-19, new reports suggest that a vaccine may not be as necessary as previously thought. The Director of the Centers for Disease Control, recently stated that continuing to wear a mask may actually be more effective against stopping the spread of COVID-19 instead of utilizing a vaccine.

@AJCNews reports, CDC Director Robert Redfield told a Senate committee earlier this week that face masks may offer more individual protection against COVID-19 than a potential vaccine. During the hearing, Redfield also dismissed Trump’s constant downplaying of wearing masks for protection against the virus. “I’m not going to comment about the president … but these face masks are the most powerful public health tool we have. I appeal to all Americans to embrace these face coverings,” he said.

Additionally, Redfield also gave an update on when he expects the vaccine to be available for all Americans, telling the Senate committee it will likely be “summer or early autumn 2021” before most U.S. citizens can receive the vaccinations—however, that is a direct contradiction to other reports regarding the vaccine, which state that the first one will be available on November 1st and the second in January 2021.

In a previous report to Congress and an accompanying “playbook” for states and localities, federal health agencies and the Defense Department sketched out complex plans for a vaccination campaign to begin gradually in January or possibly later this year, eventually ramping up to reach any American who wants a shot.

The federal government also outlined a recent plan to make vaccines for COVID-19 available for free to all Americans, even as national polls show that many are highly skeptical of actually taking the vaccine.


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Danielle Jennings