Dionne Warwick shares that a series about her life is in the works with Teyana Taylor to potentially be involved as well. (Getty Images/ Twitter)
It looks like soon we’ll be able to see the story of the legendary Dionne Warwick on our screens, in the form of a limited series. During a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Dionne revealed that the series is currently in the works.
Last December, Dionne posted a video clip of herself asking her followers would they watch if she were to do a series. She posted the video to her Twitter account and said, “This is a case for Netflix. Please don’t ask who I would cast to play me as it would obviously be Teyana Taylor.”
Netflix responded to Dionne to let her know that they were taking notes, and Teyana even posted the exchange to her Instagram and said, “When the LEGENDARY @therealdionnew had this moment w/ @netflix & they started jotting notes in their palm pilots…I was lookin at them likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
“[Teyana] is certainly a talented young lady with whom I’ve had the pleasure of interfacing. In fact, we had a conversation last night on the telephone,” said Dionne. “She’s very excited about the prospects of being involved and she’s also going to be very, very much involved in directing it and putting together parts and parcel of how we see this going.”
Although there is no place for the series set in stone just yet, Dionne continued to express that Netflix is one place she has been considering for sure.
She said, “Netflix is one of the places I’ve been looking at possibly doing it. They’re not the only place that we’re looking at but Netflix seems to be the leading episodic [platform] to do something similar to what I want to do. There’s a lot of very exciting stuff going on right now.”
Last month, Lil Kim also mentioned that she would like Teyana to portray her in a project as well.
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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94