
Damn Gina! Beyonce’s Second Coachella Weekend Performance Will Not Be Streamed Online

Sorry #BeyHive but if you were hoping to catch #BeyChella the second time around via live stream (for free), you might want to make some plans for Saturday night!

As you already know, #Coachella is a two-weekend event and many performers are set to hit the stage for the second and final time. However, YouTube won’t be streaming it for free this time around!

YouTube won’t be streaming Coachella again like it did last weekend, BUT according to @Variety, the word on the street is, Bey may be “changing up a few things” for her new set! A dancer that was a part of Bey’s first performance said: “Yeah, we’re switching up a couple things, so there could still be a wow factor.”

This just isn’t right!! #BeyHive roommates, if you’re at Coachella, tag us so we can see too!

Source: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/hip-hop/8354048/beyonce-second-coachella-weekend-performance-not-live-streamed

Tanya Payne