With only just a little over a year of being signed to FilmOnTv, recent word is Chief Keef’s contract has been suspended by, his label… now thats that sh*t he don’t like! Anyways, FilmOn CEO and Greek billionaire, Alki David, told VladTV that the suspension was in consequence of Keef’s “poor decision making.”
David says that the poor decision making is more so on his “shady” management rather than the rapper himself. “Chief Keef’s contract was suspended 2 weeks ago because his management went off and did a tour without our approval.” He then goes on to say, “[We are] not happy with the direction they are taking him. Same sh*t over and over. Limiting his appeal to a wider audience and I’m not saying he should sell out, just be more prolific.”
According to Hot New Hip Hop, Keef is also in hot water with David and the label for making an “unsanctioned video” for “Let It Blow.” What makes it worse is that Keef made the video with Las Vegas rapper, D Flores, who is going through some legal troubles of his own after being arrested for allegedly kidnapping a 15-year-girl and then forcing her into prostitution…yikes!
David seems pretty pissed about whats going on but he still has faith in the rapper he signed a year ago.”I don’t blame Keith – I blame his shady management,” David said. “Keith is a fucking rap superstar.”
So… Is he suggesting that maybe if Keef had different management, he’d be work-with-able?! Lets chat below!
Source: HNHH, http://www.hotnewhiphop.com/chief-keef-reportedly-suspended-by-his-label-news.18880.html