<> on February 2, 2009 in Miami, Florida.
As we enter the third week of testimonies for the Derek Chauvin trial, the world continues to hear information that is presented from medical professionals. Today Dr. Jonathan Rich, a medical expert in Cardiology from Northwestern University, took the stand as today’s first witness. He was examined by Prosecutor Jerry Blackwell and asked a series of questions about the events that caused George Floyd’s death. Dr. Rich testified that he believed the cause of George’s death was due to Cardiopulmonary arrest, which was caused by low levels of oxygen. Dr. Rich said the low levels “were induced by the prone restraint and positional asphyxia that he was subjected to.”
Dr. Rich continued to speak about the low oxygen level that unfortunately sent George into cardiopulmonary arrest, mentioning that his speech started to become less forceful and ultimately became absent along with his muscle movements. As we recently reported, the defense has tried to argue that health issues and drug abuse are responsible for George’s untimely death. However, Dr. Rich denied those claims. He stated, “I can state with a high degree of medical certainty that George Floyd did not die from a cardiac event, and he did not die from an overdose.”
Although George did have underlying heart issues, Dr. Rich ruled them out due to his review of George’s autopsy records, which led him to conclude that George’s cause of death did not occur from a heart attack. As the testimony continued, Dr. Rich said, “I believe that Mr. George Floyd’s death was absolutely preventable. Prevention measures that would have helped included “not subjecting him to that prone restraint” in the first place.” If George had been arrested and placed in a position and administering CPR once another officer said no pulse was detected, he would have survived the encounter.
Roomies, we will continue to keep you informed as the trial continues.
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