Cardi B (Photo by Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images for Fashion Nova)
On Wednesday, it appears that the Bardi Gang asked to see a photo of Cardi B’s son, and the rapper obliged. But, unfortunately, without critique.
Posting a glimpse of her son’s eye on Twitter, Cardi captioned the photo by saying, “That’s all ya’ll will get.” While some people stated they forgot she had a son, a few were accusing her of posting to get attention.
In response to critics, Cardi tweeted, “How people mad cause people was asking me to see my son and I replied?” She continued, “It seems like I can’t do or say nothing these days wit out people getting irritated. Maybe i should delete my social medias or just die cause wtf.” The mother-of-two continued to say, “If I post is cause I want attention, If I speak my mind is cause I want attention, if I post a pic I want attention, I’d talk about my kids which I’m wit everyday is cause I want attention…Like wtfff”
A commenter stepped to Cardi’s defense and stated, “Bardigang asked for the picture and she gave it to us why y’all so mad over an babies eyelash in the comments.” Cardi replied, “EXACTLY”
In other Cardi news, she recently asked a judge to order Tasha K, YouTuber she sued and won against, to remove videos of her.
According to Billboard, Cardi asked the judge to impose a permanent injunction, which is a court ruling that will force Tasha to pull the defamatory claims from the Internet and ban her from ever reposting them.
Via a statement through her attorneys, Cardi’s injunction request states that “Plaintiff filed this action because defendants refused to stop targeting her with harmful and disgusting lies. Damages alone are inadequate to address the constant ongoing threat of defendants repeating the defamatory statements [and] defendants have explicitly said that they will continue publishing the defamatory statements unless an injunction is issued.”
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