One city in the Yay Area is eliminating gendered words from its city code in an effort to make city language less exclusive.
In #Berkeley, California, there will be no more “manholes,” “chairmen,” or “policewomen,” in the city’s language. Words that imply a gender preference will be removed from the city’s codes and replaced with gender-neutral terms, according to a recently adopted ordinance, @cnn reports.
The city voted Tuesday night at a council meeting to replace gendered terms in its municipal codes, like “manhole” and “manpower,” with gender-neutral ones like “maintenance hole” and “human effort.”
The item reportedly passed without discussion or comments and was not controversial, according to Berkeley City Council member Rigel Robinson, the bill’s primary author.
“There’s power in language,” Robinson said. “This is a small move, but it matters.”
The revised city documents will also replace gendered pronouns, such as “he” and “she” with the inclusive “they,” according to the ordinance.
At the moment, Berkeley’s municipal code apparently contains mostly masculine pronouns, the office of the city manager said in a letter to the mayor and city council.
“Having a male-centric municipal code is inaccurate and not reflective of our reality,” Robinson said. “Women and non-binary individuals are just as entitled to accurate representation. Our laws are for everyone, and our municipal code should reflect that.”
Roommates, is this a step in the right direction for inclusivity or should the efforts be placed somewhere else? Let us know!
TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh
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