Bow Wow (Photo: via Instagram)
Roommates, Bow Wow has been in the music industry for over 20 years—but according to a recent comment on social media, he wishes he made another career choice. While answering a fan’s question on Twitter, Bow Wow revealed that if he could do things all over again he would never make music.
The Internet never misses an opportunity to troll Bow Wow, but recent comments may have cut him deeper than we realize. Earlier this week, he was trending after someone said there is no way they could name three of his songs—and before you know it, thousands of other people chimed in saying the same thing.
Which is why his latest confession on Twitter hits a little harder. When a fan tweeted him asking ‘Do you have any regrets in the music business. If you could have done it all again, what would you change?” Bow Wow responded with “Just been an actor and never touched music.”
Despite selling millions of records, dozens of chart-topping singles and at one point being crowned “Mr. 106th & Park,” it’s pretty disheartening to know that perhaps he feels like his musical contributions meant nothing.
Although most of the time the Internet loves to troll Bow Wow’s music, late last year practically everyone was singing his praises when he went head-to-head with Soulja Boy in a Verzuz battle…where he was easily the winner due to his collection of hits.
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