Via Instagram
Boosie is fed up with them kids and to show the inanetz he’s not one of their lil’ friends, he posted their unorthodox punishment on social media to mixed reactions.
Now, Boosie is a lot of things to people but one thing fans seem to agree on is that he’s active in his kids’ lives. Although he often posts the good times with his babies, he apparently had to prove to social media he’s also about that discipline.
Boosie posted a video Thursday announcing his friends and family are welcome back at his home apparently after his children threw water at them.
Boosie acknowledged that his kids have been “out of control” and to show that he was getting them back in line, he shared that he was having them walk the fence line at his estate in the hot sun for five hours.
“I want to let everybody know all my family, my cousins, y’all can come stay at my house bruh,” Boosie began the video. “Ain’t gon’ be no more water throwed on you by my kids. I know they’ve been out of control, but I’m bluesin’ them today.”
The video showed his kids walking together along the grassy grounds of his estate.
“You see ‘em? They walking the fence line. Five hours straight in the hot sun, yes sir,” Boosie boasted.
He added walking the fence line was just the beginning of their punishment.
“They cleaning up the house all day,” Boosie said. “They gon’ learn this lesson. It won’t be no more water throwing in my estate. They soakin’ everybody up every night. I want Big Freaky, everybody, y’all can come back.”
Check out the video below:
While some fans supported Boosie’s form of punishment, apparently others felt the punishment was too harsh but Boosie decided to return to social media to update people on how the punishment was going and he gave the impression his kids were OK.
Was Boosie’s punishment too harsh or do you feel it was fair? Let us know!
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