We’re almost 100 years post-suffrage and more women continue to join the workforce every day. The thing is, some companies still aren’t very reflective of this and feminists around the world are still fighting for equal work and pay, even in Fortune 500 companies. One of the biggest shockers being, Twitter!
In its 2014 equal employment opportunity report, The Verge revealed that the social media giant has the most unimpressive numbers when it comes to black women working for them.
14 black women, out of almost 3,000 total employees working for Twitter, make up 0% percent of their staff! Black women and black men combined account for 2% of their workforce, but that’s surprisingly low, considering that things like Black Twitter exist and how Twitter is used as a hotline for #BlackLivesMatter related events. On the flip side, Amazon has the highest percentage of black women, sitting at 7% and Apple with 3%.

The issue here is that these tech companies lack total diversity. According to Complex, “Tech companies like Google—which in an effort to be transparent revealed last year that Black and Hispanic employees only made up five percent of its employees.” Interestingly enough, these tech companies have a higher percentages of Asian men and women, so maybe there’s something more to these statistics.
Thankfully, Apple has already taken steps to bring more women of color into the technology industry by announcing that they are going to be donating $50 million to various non-profits. “We are proud of the progress we’ve made, and our commitment to diversity is unwavering,” CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, said last week. “But we know there is a lot more work to be done.”
Roommates, do you think that companies like Twitter, Amazon and Apple will cater to people of color better as they become more diverse? Tell us what you think in the comments!
TSR Intern: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on Instagram & @tallyohhh on Twitter!