The #HBCU community is truly like a family. So when there’s one school in trouble, you’ll see students and alumni from other HBCUs rally around them for help.
#BennettCollege in #Greensboro, #NorthCarolina, is no exception. The school, which is one of two existing women only HBCUs, is now facing a February 1st deadline to raise $5 million or the school will be closed because the Southern Association of Colleges and School Commission on Colleges voted in December to end Bennett’s accreditation.
Of course news like this is upsetting to the HBCU community and those who champion the importance of historically Black colleges and universities because every time one closes, it feels like a piece of Black history is being erased. The threat of another closure is even more triggering as there were once 121 HBCUs and now we’re down to 100.
#JussieSmollett and #JakeSmollett are two of the most recent celebrities to join the fight and donate to the cause. So far, $1 million has been raised.
We’ll keep you updated on the fight, #Roommates!
TSR STAFF: Christina C! @cdelafresh
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Pingback: The HBCU Community, Bennett College Alumni & Celebrities Are Rallying To Keep The School Open – BREAKING-NEWS
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