Categories: Celebs

Battle Of The Sexes: 9 Things Men Say Women Do That Really Grinds Their Gears!

Hey ladies! I know we think we are perfect and can do no wrong — in fact more often than not we point the finger at guys for almost everything — dirty dishes, our phones died, the rain, and the list goes on. And most of the time we are right LOL! However, believe it or not there are some things we do that guys hate too.

We reached out to some guys to hear directly from them about what grinds their gears and although the list was pretty extensive, here are the top 9!

1- “Y’all are ALWAYS hungry but NEVER know what you want to eat.” — apparently guys hate it when we are indecisive. Too bad they don’t know sometimes we just want them to make the decision. When we suggested that, they said, “but then when we suggest something y’all always say, ‘no not there’.”

2 – “Why do y’all always make Snapchat and Instagram videos not saying anything — just posing and or lip syncing?” — hey fellas, just don’t watch! We don’t say anything when y’all post your fantasy #WCW.

3 – Overthinking — this is actually guys’ fault. We only over think because y’all don’t give us clear communication. We can’t read minds and if we are overthinking, chances are it’s because we care.

4 – Safe numbers — guys absolutely hate when we lie about the number of sexual partners we’ve had. They say they can handle the truth but can they?

5 – Excessive weave and/or make up — I had to include this one because guys say they hate when we wear weave and make up but are the first to ask “what’s going on with your hair?” When we rock a fresh twist out. What’s up with that, fellas?

6 – “When we ask you what’s wrong, tell us. Don’t say “nothing,” and then hit us with the “I just think it’s funny how…” — guys say they wish we would just tell them what’s wrong instead of beating around the bush. We say it doesn’t matter anyways because the problem we tell you about will just go in one ear and out the other.

7 – Low confidence — “too many of our women lack confidence,” said one of our #roommates. Unfortunately that’s not a trait we choose to have but I agree that low confidence would grind my gears too coming from a guy.

8 – “Y’all ALWAYS want to be right even when y’all KNOW that you’re wrong — always.” This one is simple: Because we usually are.

9 – Fake orgasms — guys say they HATE when women fake orgasms. It actually hurts their pride more than women just being upfront and admitting they weren’t pleased. But they also say it’s more detrimental for the woman than the man!

So, ladies, how many of those gear grinders are you guilty of?!

Special thank you to our male #Roommates who contributed their pet peeves for the making of this article. We hope it will help you all in the future (hint hint, ladies: take notes!)

TSR STAFF: Chantel P.! @_popchanny on IG!

Jade Whiteside