“I am not my hair!” B.Simone is known for a lot of things. She’s known for being funny, her signature “Babygirl” saying, and for showing off her luxurious curly hair. Recently B switched up her look, but for a worthy reason. In a video, she shared on her YouTube channel that she cut her hair to support her sister Jordyn Geneive who is suffering from Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW).
According to Healthline, TSW is a rare reaction to stopping the use of topical steroid creams. It can result in a more severe and painful rash than eczema it was initially used to treat. Reports state that the rash can appear as patches or bumps on the skin. During the video sitting next to his sister, she began to cut off her gorgeous curly black locks.
B started crying while cutting her hair with scissors reminding her friend in the background that it was just hair and it would grow back. B shared the moment on her Instagram page where over 775,000 people viewed the video, and almost 10 thousand people commented on the post showing the “Wild N Out” cast member love.
One of the supporters was Tami Roman, who wrote, “OMG B!!! I love this so much! I was crying so hard. This is what it’s all about! Stepping outside of ourselves and displaying as much love as possible. I salute you, and I am praying for your sister.” Today B revealed her new platinum blonde haircut, looking amazing. The Roommates commended her for standing in solidarity with her sister and told her how amazing she looked.
B also stepped into The Shade Room, writing, “I’ve never in my life felt this beautiful… New beginnings. As long as I’m living, you’ll never go through anything alone @JordynGenevieve. I love you.”
Roommates, drop a comment and tell us if you’re feeling B. Simone’s new cut!
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