
Ayesha Curry Calls Out NBA Fan Who Bumped Her 8-Month-Pregnant Belly After Game 5

Ayesha Curry got into it with a Rockets fan after the Warriors lost Game 5 last night. According to a series of tweets, she said a Houston fan bumped her 8-month pregnant belly then proceeded to follow and taunt her with his phone.

Of course the video was posted on Twitter (#Roommates, check the hashtags to see!) and you can hear him trash talking Stephen Curry’s wife and father. Ayesha even took the opportunity to grab the guy’s cigarette and flick it right back at him!

So what exactly started the situation? Ayesha said the man came up to her and said “doesn’t losing feel like getting punch in the gut?”

She definitely wasn’t feeling the video being posted on Twitter today. ”The fact you have the audacity to post this after this man bumped me in my 8 month pregnant belly asking and I quote ‘doesn’t losing feel like getting punched in the gut?’ And continued to follow me and taunt me with his camera is beyond me…but ‘This is America’ right,” she tweeted in response.

“I thought it was an accident at first because it was crowded and then he made that gut comment and continued to follow me,” she continued. “I should’ve got him in the face instead of saving his life by removing that cigarette he was swinging around in my face.”

She added, “Wish there was full footage.”

TSR STAFF” Myeisha E.! @myeisha.essex