Roommates, if you’re here it’s because you’re just as curious as we are when it comes to this very complicated, very vague yet detailed, maybe love triangle between August Alsina, Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Smith. Now, there have been rumblings in Hollywood that the Smiths ALLEGEDLY have had extra martial affairs for quite some time. Though we can not confirm or deny that, we will say August Alsina had something to say about it!
In a sit down interview with Angela Yee, August Alsina spoke on his past relationship with the hollywood A-lister. Saying that he truly gave himself to someone (that someone being Jada). He also confirms that he sat down with Will Smith and actually received Will’s blessing to enter into a relationship with Jada. Now, August never discloses if their relationship was romantic, but he did say that he was in love with Jada and gave years to their bond. See what he had to say below:
Naturally, WE GOT QUESTIONS AUGUST! The pair have always been very coy when it came to their relationship. Leaving room for interpretation and sometimes gaps for people to question. After Augusts explanation do you feel like y’all have more clarity roommates? Let us know cause the internet already has something to say about this here!
As of now, there’s really no word on whether Jada will address August’s comments or if Will has anything he’d like to add. Given the climate, and how wild 2020 has been so far, I’m not sure if I’m ready for all of this tea! Just kidding, y’all know I am! But more importantly, rest assured because when it drops, PLEASE have your teacups RET! Until then, make sure to keep sippin’ y’all.
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