Categories: Celebs

Amber Rose Was Spotted All Over Gene Simmon’s Son At Nick Cannon’s Birthday Party! The Video Doesn’t Lie!


Nick Cannon celebrated his 34rd birthday early at the Playhouse in Hollywood (his actual birthday is on October 8th) and he sported a brand new tattoo that covered his previous tatt of Mariah Carey’s  name across his back. While Nick Cannon seemed to be having loads of fun, he sure wasn’t the only one!


(The picture above shows his covered up tattoo)

Lets talk about Amber Rose! She attended Nick’s b-day bash with Gene Simmon’s son, Nick Simmons. Now, when we heard people say that they were on each other like white on rice we thought that it was strictly platonic. Mainly because she filed for divorce a little over a week ago…




(Screenshot: Video below)

Then, TMZ released a video of them dancing and flirting in the club (below). If my eyes aren’t mistaking me it even looks like they shared a peck on the lips. Now I definitely am one to gossip but this right chea is looking like it might be true.

This isn’t the first time they were spotted together either! They were spotted the other day in LA.

We decided to find out Nick Simmons’ net worth to see if he’s Amber’s type because you know she will never date a broke-broke. Nick is a comic book writer, musician, and voice-over actor who is said to be worth around  $10 Mill. Is everything making a little more sense now?

No one can confirm if the odd pair are actually dating but it may confirm that there is nothing going on between Amber Rose and her manager Nick Cannon.

Watch the video below!