
Amazon To Hire 75,000 Additional Employees As Orders Continue To Increase During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Last month, Amazon announced that they would be creating 100,000 new positions and it looks like they will be opening up thousands of other positions as online orders continue to increase.

According to CNBC, on Monday, the company announced the 75,000 additional positions after last month’s new positions have helped to fulfill the orders that have been increasing online.

The company said, “We continue to see increased demand as our teams support their communities, and are going to continue to hire, creating an additional 75,000 jobs to help serve customers during this unprecedented time.”

Aside from adding new employees to the company, the company has also raised the employees’ hourly pay and doubled overtime pay for warehouse workers. Warehouse and delivery workers can now earn an additional $2 per hour in the U.S. through the end of April. The company already pays warehouse and delivery workers $15 an hour or more in some areas of the country for those positions.

Aside from the pay raises, Amazon also announced changes to its benefits as well. Employees can take unlimited unpaid time off, and they can also offer two weeks of paid leave for workers who tested positive for the virus or are in quarantine.

As we previously reported, last month Amazon announced a limit of shipments due to the number of orders they were getting, which caused a limit on products.

At the time, a spokesperson said, “We are seeing increased online shopping and as a result, some products such as household staples and medical supplies are out of stock. With this in mind, we are temporarily prioritizing household staples, medical supplies, and other high-demand products coming into our fulfillment centers so we can more quickly receive, restock and ship these products to customers.”

Now it looks like Amazon has come up with a solution with all of the positions now opening.


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TSR STAFF: Jade Ashley @Jade_Ashley94

Jade Whiteside