#Roommates, do you remember that brief moment in history where Natalie from #Floetry left and #AmandaSeales replaced her? Well, as much as any of us could have imagined, a lot of drama transpired behind the scenes and the #Insecure actress, spilled all the tea at #TheBreakfastClub this morning!
It seems as though their union was doomed from the start as Amanda told the hosts that fellow group member #MarshaAmbrosious didn’t really do a good job at introducing her to their fans. “We went on the road and they didn’t tell the fans that Natalie had left,” Amanda began. She then recounted a couple of incidents where she says a fan “swiped my ankle” in Baltimore and an entire audience in D.C. “turned their backs to the stage in protest” of her.
“My frustration with Marsha was that she did not take an active role in bringing me to the crowd with the love that she would have needed to show me for them to show love,” Amanda said. “She had all the power.” Amanda felt that Marsha Marsha Marsha! should have taken a better approach to indicting her into the game, but she also told the Breakfast Club that she had a theory about why Marsha treated her the way she did.
Basically, she believes that “they” were trying to set Marsha up for her solo career and the gag is that Amanda learned this from the music director that she had been sleeping with at the time! Talk about pillow talk!
You guys can check out her full interview below! The tea runneth ovahhh!
TSR STAFF: Talia O. @theclosetratchet on IG, @tallyohhh on Twitter
Source: https://youtu.be/b3vH92yuVSc