Categories: Celebs

He Molested “Hundreds” Of Underaged Boys: Alleged Former Bodyguard Spills Tea On Africa Bambaataa

Looks like Afrika Bambaataa’s sex abuse scandal won’t be going away any time soon because his former bodyguard has now come forward to say Bambaataa molested “hundreds” of young boys.

“Bambaataa goes around fronting, like he’s this holier than thou. He’s a f*cking pedophile,” Bambaataa’s former bodyguard, Lord Shariyf . “This is a well-known fact in the Zulu Nation.”

Shariyf says he was the head of Shaka Zulu Security after joining the Zulu Nation in the mid-70s. He confirmed that he had seen many of the underage boys coming in and out of his Parkchester apartment.

“There’s always a boy in his house. When he leaves and gets home, there’s always a boy there. I’ve seen them camped, asking him for money,” Shariyf said. “He travels with late teens, those are the ones he takes overseas with him. When I went with him on tour in the States, I’d stay in one room, and he would have boys in the room with him.”

He says he has pressured the Zulu Nation to report Bambaataa’s unruly activity but in turn he was accused of trying to get money of the Bambaataa.

“Since the 70s, it’s been hundreds,” said to Radio host Star. “I can say I’ve walked in on stuff where I say, ‘what the f*ck is going on?’”


He says he left the Nation in the early 2000s after first confronting Bambaataa.

Check out the rest of the interview below and tell us what you think: