Categories: Celebs

Adele Accepts Fan Wedding Invitation In The Middle Of Her Concert (Video Inside)

Roommates, imagine going to your favorite artists concert, and dancing so hard to the point where they bring you up on stage and accept your invitation to your wedding?

That’s what happened with a couple and Adele during one of her concerts–and dancing my life away is an understatement of what I’ll be doing at the next couple of concerts I go to now!

“He was dancing like no one was watching, but I was, so I want him to come up,” she explained to the crowd as she brought the couple Vince and Ryan up on stage.

As she was having a conversation with the couple, one of them mentioned that they were getting married in Montana (the British singer had no idea where Montana was and you won’t even drag her for it because it was hilarious).

They invited her to the wedding and she said, “I would love to come!..My tour should be over by then so I’ll come.”

The best part about all of this was when Ryan asked “What’s your rate?” And she non hesitantly responded, “Don’t worry, I’ll do it for free. I’ll do it for you for free.”

Adele is literally the easiest person to love, and if you don’t think so, you will definitely think so after watching the full video of all of this play out!

TSR STAFF: Thembi M. @ThembiTV_ on Instagram & Twitter
