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A College Professor Left Notes On A Latina Student’s Paper Implying It Was Plagiarized Because It Sounded Too Scholarly

A college professor from Boston’s Suffolk University absolutely tried one of her students!

Tiffany Martinez was “hurt badly” and “publicly humiliated” when she got her paper back from her professor who wrote, and announced “this is not your language,” in front of the entire classroom, referring to Tiffany’s well written paper.

If that’s not humiliating enough, the professor also wrote “please go back and indicate where you cut and paste,” on Tiffany’s paper basically implying that Tiffany’s work was plagiarized.

Mind you, Tiffany is not only a Dean’s List recipient, but she’s participated in multiple conferences throughout the country.

This unfortunate event only gets worse as the professor tried her even more with another comment she left on Tiffany’s paper.

The professor circled the word “hence” on Tiffany’s paper and stated, “This is not your word.” All while underlining the word “not” twice. Excuse you professor. Excuse you!

Tiffany took to her personal blog to write a post on her experience in which she posed the chilling question, “How many degrees do I need for someone to believe I am an academic?”

Read Tiffany’s full blog post here.

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Via: BuzzFeed
